Friday, May 23, 2014

Ahhhh . . . .

     In just a few short days I will be closing the door on one of my all time favorite school years.  I have to be honest and say this year comes a very close second to the four wonderful years I spent teaching art.  I have had the best time teaching reading, and in the second half of the year also math.  So at this time of year with shifts in positions being made, I just held my breath.  I will gladly do any job at my school, but I was praying please let me continue with this.  I feel like I have just begun to develop what I want to accomplish.  So did you hear me shout when I heard I would be back in remedial work!  I will be in the same wonderful room (I worried about that one too) and will be teaching remedial . . . what??  I asked my principal and he said reading (probably) and writing (maybe) and maybe some creative lessons (dare I hope he meant art?).  Likely not math.  So while I am very happy, I am also a bit confused.  But in the spirit of all that I have learned and tried to put into my new attitude, I didn't fret too long.  I am too busy being excited!
     I finished several projects this week.  I did the Every Inchie Monday word - "jolly-boat".  Honestly I didn't get too creative there.  I just went with a small fishing type boat. 
     Then I worked on Diva's challenge.  She asked us to use the tangle "rain".  I sort of thought rain and mysst went together well, at least in theme. 
     I finished the tile for Adele Bruno's string challenge, but honestly I am not so happy with it.  Too many lines.  Yes I know that is what makes a tangle, but take a look, you'll see what I mean.  Don't you?
     And last, but not least, is my favorite for this week's work.  This is one of the many (many!) templates form Ornation Creation and Ben Kwok's work.  I have a stack that hopefully I will work on this summer.  I really enjoyed this one.
Autumn Leaves
      Now on to getting some rest.  I have a three day week end, which I am grateful for.  Then I work 2 days and HERE COMES SUMMER!   Thanks for dropping by and I hope you are having a blessed week.


  1. I'm loving that jolly boat. and the autumn leaves, though it's about 6 months out of time!

  2. I'm glad things worked out for you at your teaching position, Cathy. It sure can be stressful waiting to hear. I love your little jolly-boat. So cute. Those two tangles do look great together. As far as too many lines, I was wondering if maybe some more aggressive shading (like under and over the outside of the "N" to separate it more from the other lined tangle) might make it work better? And Ben's template is beautiful.

  3. Oh Cathy, what a beautiful work of art your jolly-boat is! And adore that zendala - the colours and detail! Gorgeous!

  4. Congrats on your teaching position! I am so jealous you are out in two days, we have a few more weeks of school yet. Nice set of tiles and the inchie is to cute.

  5. Cathy, I love your lil' jolly boat and the other tiles you made, but that Zendala is out of this world!! Magnificant!!Coloring is just gorgeous!! :0) Share Humanity

  6. I like your Rain tile a lot. The zendala is gorgeous!
    What a happy news when you heard about your work next semester.

  7. the inchie art is such a fun idea. nice work

  8. I think all of your piece are great. I came over from the Diva's challenge. I like what you did with Rain. I used Msst, too, but very differently. I also really like your It's a String Thing tile. I'm not overly thrilled with mine, but I learned a few things so it's okay. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I think you got awesomely creative! Hope you enjoy your net semester.


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