Saturday, May 13, 2017

Five more days!

     Five more days - at least with children.  Then 3 or 4 inservice days.  I can't wait.  I dread it.  How can I be filled with 2 very different emotions at the same time.  Very conflicting feelings.  Thank goodness for art time and the relaxation and get away it brings.
     Our inchie word was "flamingo".  I am reminded of those pink plastic ones that can sometimes grace yards.  Can't say I like those.  Once when we were in Florida and went to Cypress Gardens we saw a field full of the real kind - absolutely gorgeous!
    Joey's letter was S this week.   I used sandswirl, side-eye, and sxc-rolls.  I was new to a few of them, but hey, I needed s tangles!
    One of the coloring groups I belong to on facebook posted a challenge to use one color only to do a picture.  You could use pencils, paint, markers - whatever, just one color.  I went to my Color It dog coloring book and chose a patterned French Bull dog.  Then I used my pencils, markers and gel pens to color with.  This was actually a lot of fun!  I may have to try something else this way.
    Okay - that's it for this week.  Take care and have a wonderful weekend.  The weather here is lovely and for once no rain - yahoo!!


  1. Doing Joey's letters has really increased allmy patters because I spend a day copying all the current letter patterns into my pattern book. Really liked your green bulldog.

  2. Your sweet flamingo has a very knowing look in it's eye...and I love the green-theme dog colouring, most effective. Hope all goes well for you...Dixx

  3. Love that flamingo and the pug! So adorable!


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