Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Every Inchie Monday!

     This week's word was beer.  I don't drink, but I did enjoy doing the glass and trying to add some nice foam to the top.  If you look closely, the glass even sparkles a little!
     Cheers to all dropped by to leave me some sunshine! I keep hopeing for a bit of the white stuff.   While we have had snow, it doesn't last and it is just a dusting of the yard.  I want a pretty "play in it" kind of snow!  Hopefully before the winter is over.


  1. Terrific inchie and the glass does have a sparkle

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Terrific inchie and the glass does have a sparkle

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. love the foam and sparkly glass - we haven't had much snow this year at all in southern ontario - but you are welcome to what we have - lol - I am not fond of it

  4. after living in the snow zone for 30 years I do no miss snow for anything. Dont drink either but I do love your sparkly beer

  5. Great mug of beer! Want me to send snow for you?


  6. I love your sparkly glass overflowing with foam. I think winter is over for us in the Phoenix area. Hope you get your wish.


Thank you for leaving me some sunshine! Your comments make my day!