Day 41 - For Diva's Challenge we needed to do something Valentin-ish. She called it a "Valentangle" ! I love that word! I had already decided to do a Valentine activity with my art club that afternoon so the timing was perfect. They had to do two tiles and trace a heart pattern on each. On one tile they tangled the heart and on the other they tangled the outside area. I traced two tiles into my sketch book and worked on the example for the class. The kiddos loved doing this and the results were great. This was my example. I limited myself to only tangles that they had learned so without that limit I might have tried some other tangles but all in all, I like it.

Day 42 - I had to wait until during the week to get the Journal52 page done. The prompt was "window" and I needed to have a stained glass window pattern. So I finally found one I liked and then made a copy onto cardstock. I could have tried drawing it, but honestly it was a rough week and just sitting and coloring one evening was very relaxing to me. I used my metallic gel pens and I think the sparkle it gives makes it look sort of like glass. I then took my chalks and added a stone wall around it. Lots of fun with this one!
Day 43 - Adele Bruno's String challenge was to use the tangles buttercup, inapod, puf, and pozer. I used three of them. I just could not see a way that appealed to me to get inapod in there. I did however discover I really loved those other three - which I wasn't so familiar with before.
Today is day 44 and I haven't started to create anything yet. I plan on checking out the facebook challenge and hopefully the journal prompt is up for the week - who knows? All I know is I am out of school on winter break, sipping hot chocolate in the comfort of my jammies and so relaxed! What a great day! I even got to create some late morning "ZZZZZZ's" this morning! Yahoo! Bye, I have to go "play".
Fun positive and negative hearts!
ReplyDeleteI ,Ike the way your buttercup looks almost like 'nzepple :)
ReplyDeleteI like the hearts both ways.